“If I could only find an extra hour to work on this, it’d make a huge difference in our business” is what goes through the head of most businessmen. What is entrepreneurship but the strategic investment of your time in order to make money?
Most other people can afford to “pass time,” hanging at the same bar for 40 years, but not you. You’re an entrepreneur whose time is valuable, and you’re always running out of it. Since there’s only 24 hours in a day, the only cure to this problem is using your time more efficiently. There’s many ways to do that, but all of them are based on the following:
How awareness of time helps you get more done
Too many people go to sleep without knowing exactly what they’re going to do tomorrow, from dusk to dawn. Their only structured time is at their job, if even that. Few people think to do the same in their day-to-day lives. I personally made a simple experiment that helped me get more done in less time without implementing any reward&punishment mechanisms: For a week I had a notebook with me and write down, everything I did down to 15min intervals. As it turns out, awareness leads to effectiveness — simply being aware of how I was using my time helped me use it more effectively. Now, you don’t necessarily need to keep yourself under the microscope to the same degree every single day. And doing so would eventually feel painful and stifling. But, at the very least, you can have a daily agenda: “I’ll do A on this day, and B on that day.” Entrepreneurs typically learn that time is the most precious of resources — it literally evaporates minute by minute. So the sooner you start being aware of how you spend it, the sooner you can avoid losing it. Here’s something to help you with that:
The Plan&Journal app was made to help organize your tasks on a day to day basis. Click bellow to try it out:
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